Errorless Shaping

Errorless Shaping

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Errorless Shaping

Shaping is not a training in which your dog has to “figure out what to do”! 
An important part of shaping is to gradually build the behavior. Shaping should be errorless! Each step should lead to the desired behavior. This requires prior setting and analysis of the necessary premises. Agnieszka will explain it with simple examples and everything is shown in tutorials, so you will understand it quickly!
Agnieszka Janarek  is the founder of Tromplo, and her academic background is in Applied Behavior Analysis. She aims to bridge the gap between science and practice, teaching her students how to apply scientific knowledge to real-world scenarios. Her goal is to dispel myths and rely on reliable education based on scientific and ethical principles in the animal training world.

EUR 17
Total due EUR 17

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